Stock investment tools for passive income generation and wealth building. Using the stock investment steering wheel as your guide, you can navigate through the stock market landscape with our useful tools to reach your target goals – satisfactory levels of passive income and wealth.
"Everyone has the brainpower to make money in stocks. Not everyone has the stomach. If you are susceptible to selling everything in a panic, you ought to avoid stocks and mutual funds altogether"
Dividend income investing tool
Financial report sentiment analysis tool
Business news gathering tool
Quick and easy to use stock screening tool
Price gainers and losers
Tracking insiders buying and selling
Stock total return analysis tool
Company balance sheet analysis tool
Business financial performance analysis tool
Business growth analysis tool
Business financial health analysis tool
Company red flags detection tool
Key financial ratios that every investor should know
Stock relative valuation measures (market-based)
Valuation using the Future Earnings Multiple Method
Valuation using the Return On Equity Method
Valuation using the Capitalization of Income Stream Method
Valuation using the Capitalization of Cash Flow Method
Valuation using the Future Sales Multiple Method
Valuation using the Discounted Cash Flow Method
Valuation using the Ability To Pay Method
Valuation using the Excess Earnings Method
Valuation using Ben Graham Formula
Valuation using sales and net profit margin
Advanced stock portfolio management tool